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How Threading Work – C#

Understanding a basic in threading is very important, you need to know logic to be able to do Multithreading. OS use processes to separate the different applications that they are executing. Threads are the basic unit to which an operating system allocates processor…

Parallel execution of code C#

Introduction to Thread Multithreading is solution to parallel execution of code in C#. A thread is an independent execution path. Thread can run simultaneously with other threads. To use this Technic in C# you have to add namespaces call: using System; using System.Threading; lets look at…

Prototyping Methodology

In this method developer will create portion of solution for demonstration. In demonstration process developers test the functionality and find requirement before proceed to final solution. Its good way for developer team to confirm they understand problem and requirement and make sure a propose solution will…

Waterfall Model

Waterfall model is talking about sequential design process, where developer fallows steadily downwards through the various phase of: Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Verification or Testing Maintenance Requirements Analysis:  First and most important phase in waterfall model. In this phase you…

What is XAML

XML is used to expose functionality in transparent and declarative fashion. XAML a dialect of XML has been introduce with the first version of WPF. In WPF, XAML is used to describe user interface. XAML is the language that almost…

Login Form using C#

Here is the sample for Login form, after user login new form will open for user.   Click on the picture to see in better resolution.

Extract file name from file Path in VB6

Imaging you have Path like: C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\ADOMD.NET\100\db.dll and you want extract file name “db.dll” from Path, here is the solution: Private Sub ExtractFileName (sPath As String) Dim aFName() As String Dim sPath2 As String Dim sFileName As String sPath2 =…

List down file in directory VB6

List down file inside folder using VB6: Here is a piece of code which is do this: This code will get list of file in folder and separate file name and extension and put in array.   Private Sub GetFilesName (sFileDir  As String) Dim…